Adeunis LoRaWAN Modbus interface for Modbus slaves
Adeunis LoRaWAN Modbus interface for Modbus slaves
Adeunis LoRaWAN Modbus interface for Modbus slaves

Adeunis LoRaWAN Modbus interface for Modbus slaves


Adeunis Modbus: interface for “Modbus slaves”
Query, write and read one or more registers on one or more Modbus slaves.

  • RS485/RS232 compatible.
  • Supervision of up to 20 slaves.
  • Several periodic frames with different frequencies.
  • Indicator lights for installation assistance.
  • Control and supply of power to the sensor.
  • Local and remote configuration.
  • Compatible with KARE services.
  • Available in LoRaWAN US902-928 and AS 923 versions.

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Product Details
Adeunis Modbus: interface for “Modbus slaves”
Query, write and read one or more registers on one or more Modbus slaves.

Send new parameters or actions to be carried out to Modbus slaves.

Reading a slave’s registers from the network.
Write to a slave’s registrers from the network.

Receive feedback on faults and alerts from Modbus slaves.
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